

Welcome to the $Ping bot auto trading feature. This feature is still in its open beta stage, and as such, there is a possibility of losses. The $Ping token team and developers are not responsible for any losses incurred while using this feature.

Please note that the auto trading feature is still under development, and there may be bugs or glitches. We are always working to improve the feature, but we cannot guarantee that it will always work flawlessly.

We strongly advise that you have a backup plan in case the auto trading feature fails. This could include using an alternative bot such as Maestro, Banana Gun, Mbot, unibot, or using Uniswap so make sure to add your private keys to the following.

By using the auto trading feature, you agree to the terms of this disclaimer.

Additional Notes

  • The auto trading feature is designed to automatically execute trades according to a set of parameters. However, there is no guarantee that these trades will be profitable.

  • The auto trading feature is not a substitute for careful due diligence and risk management. You should always do your own research before investing in any asset.

  • The auto trading feature is not responsible for any changes in the price of $Ping token.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in using this feature responsibly.

Last updated